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Subscribe To
Before I Croak Today

Unlock the power of automated storage and organization.

Subscribe to Before I Croak and gain unlimited access to our suite of essential tools for legacy protection. Through secure document storage and organization, our platform empowers you to take control of your future with confidence.

Plan Today.
Rest Tomorrow.

What is included in your annual plan with Before I Croak?

​Your subscription includes many great features, tailored bring ease and convenience to managing your important end-of-life plans and documents.

  • Guided step-by-step process to help you prepare

  • Ability to appoint authorized people to view your information

  • Ensure your end-of-life plans are clearly documented

  • Records Locator with defined Places

  • Final Wishes with detailed funeral and burial details

  • Ability to leave digitized videos, photos, and notes

  • Strong encryption for your important information

  • Ability to incrementally add storage as-needed

  • Try it out!  Start your 30-day free trial.


What Can You Do with Before I Croak?

“The only two sure things in life are paying taxes and dying.”  You make provisions for the tax situation, and now you can prepare for the certainty of death.  Before I Croak is a logical, self-explanatory, how-to guide to put your business affairs in order.  Lessen the burden on your heirs and provide peace of mind to your loved ones. 

Organize Affairs
Croakstodian / Custodian
Secure Personal Information

Organize Your Affairs
Planning is half the job.  You need to do it right.  With Before I Croak, it only takes you a few clicks to coordinate your present affairs and to convey your final wishes to your loved ones.

Appoint Your Croakstodian
Designate the primary decision-maker for your affairs in the event of your demise. The Croakstodian will have view access to your information that you have granted on a per-section basis.

Provide Personal Information
List basic information including family history, employment, military service, important contacts, and medical data.  Your family will appreciate having access to these organized facts.

Establish Records Locator
Define your Final Wishes
Record Digital Memories

Establish Your Records Locator
Eliminate the stress of searching for your important documents.  Define the place and location of each form.  You can also provide pictures of the document and its locale.

Define Your Final Wishes
You can make those end-of-life decisions that are often left to your loved ones.  Provide your requests regarding advanced directives, burial information, and special bequests.

Record Digital Memories
You can easily scan those favorite photos, download a memorable video, or record a personal message to family members.  You can also relate important stories of your family history.

Protect Your Legacy Today


30-day free trial

Experience the power of Before I Croak with our risk-free free trial. Gain access to our comprehensive suite of tools and resources, and experience firsthand the peace of mind that comes with being prepared.


Start your trial today and take the first step towards securing your future.

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